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发布时间:2023-05-06   浏览次数:120



1) 2021年福建省自然科学基金联合资金新上项目,2021J011119,苔藓方法指示三明市大气氮沉降现状及其来源,2021/12-2024/12,10万元,在研,主持

2) 三明学院引进高层次人才科研启动经费支持项目,20YG04,游离氨基酸在菊科植物耐抗和积累砷中的作用和代谢调控,2020.11-2023.1220万元,在研,主持。

3) 2020年度福建省中青年教师教育科研项目/三明学院科学研究发展项目,JAT200646/ B202037,菊科植物对砷污染土壤的修复潜力及耐性机理研究,2020.12-2022.122万元,在研,主持。


赵晶晶, 张忠义, 郑能建, . 气相色谱-燃烧-同位素比值质谱法分析氨基酸氮稳定同位素并初步评估水生生物体营养级. 分析化学, 2017, 45(3): 309-315.

Zhao Jingjing, Zhang Zhongyi, Zhu Guangxu, Zheng Nengjian, Xiao Hongwei, Tian jing, Xiao Huayun*. The δ15N values of epilithic mosses indicating the changes of nitrogen sources in Guiyang (SW China) from 2006 to 2016–2017. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 696, 133988.

Guangxu Zhu; Jingjing Zhao; Qing Chen; Qingjun Guo; Dandan Cheng; Ghatri Chhetri DhrubaBijaya; Wangjun Li ; The comparative potential of four Compositae plants for phytoremediation of karst lead/zinc mine tailings contaminated soil, Bioresources, 2022, 17(2): 2997-3013 (期刊论文)

Zhang, Z.Y., Tian, J., Cao, Y., Zheng, N.J., Zhao, J.J & Xiao, H. (2019). Elucidating food web structure of the poyang lake ecosystem using amino acid nitrogen isotopes and bayesian mixing model. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 17(11).

Zhao, Z.J., Li, S.H., Xue, L.L., Liao, J., Zhao, J.J & Yang, Q (2020). Effects of dam construction on arsenic mobility and transport in two large rivers in tibet, china. Science of the Total Environment, 140406.

Zhao, Z.J., Li, S.H., Xue, L.L., Liao, J., Zhao, J.J & Yang, Q (2020).Abundance and mobility of metal(loid)s in reservoir sediments of singe tsangpo and yarlung tsangpo in tibet, china: implications for ecological risk. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-16.